

A complete book as a website.

AWS supports many programming languages with SDKs. I have found that there is not enough material for starting on AWS with the beautiful language “GO”. So i decided to do something about it.

This site combines learning GO as a programming language with the several AWS usages like CDK and Lambda.

Gernot Glawe / September 2021

GO an AWS now on Udemy!

After some months of work, I proudly present GOA the Udemy course:

Udemy course

Check it out now. Reduced price until 10/01/2024

With new Chapters and exercises about the GO language and your favourite NoSql Database DynamoDB.

New Chapters




How to Start

The basic language concepts are covered in “Getting started”. After the first steps you could advance to the “GO AWS SDK V2”.

All code with runnable examples is referenced at the end of a chapter in Source. Links to referenced chapter are shown in See also at the end of a chapter.

How to advance

Now you can also use GO for IaC (Infrastructure as Code) learn about CDK and goformation in Infrastructure as Go.


In AWS Lambda, you pay by the millisecond. So it’s worth to write fast code. Learn about that in AWS Lambda in GO


TDD (Test Driven Development) is a fundamental pillar of writing good software. Learn about testing in go in this chapter


The GOld standard for Infrastructure as Code on AWS is the AWS Cloud Development Kit - CDK. Get started and get expert tips here