Lambda container deployment

Lambda Container deploy

For using containers as an deployment option, these steps have to be performed, if you already have a Lambda resource with configured container image deployment:

  • Call Docker to build the app and create the container image locally
  • upload the image to ECR - the AWS container registry
  • deploy the ECR stored image to lambda

All these steps will be performed by the CDK, see the chapter walkthrough for details.

The CDK Construct

See infra/lambda-go-arm.go from the source.

			Architecture:                 awslambda.Architecture_X86_64(),
			FunctionName:                 aws.String("hellodockerx86"),
			MemorySize:                   aws.Float64(1024),
			Timeout:                      awscdk.Duration_Seconds(aws.Float64(300)),
			Code:                         awslambda.DockerImageCode_FromImageAsset(&dockerfile, &awslambda.AssetImageCodeProps{}),

The CDK supports the new Architecture type and the container deployment.

The architecture which Lambda runs in the configured here:

Architecture: awslambda.Architecture_X86_64(),

And the deployment type is just defined here:

Code:awslambda.DockerImageCode_FromImageAsset(&dockerfile, &awslambda.AssetImageCodeProps{}),

The Dockerfile

See appx86/Dockerfile from the source.

  1 FROM AS build
  3 RUN mkdir -p /opt/extensions
  4 RUN yum -y install go
  5 RUN go env -w GOPROXY=direct
  6 ADD go.mod go.sum ./
  7 RUN go mod download
  9 RUN env GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o=/main
 10 # copy artifacts to a clean image
 11 FROM
 12 COPY --from=build /main /main
 13 ENTRYPOINT [ "/main" ]

AWS has its own public registry and provides Lambda images, which is pulled in line 1: This images is based on Amazon Linux 2.

1 FROM AS build

On some linux system you need to disable C GO. On my MAC it was not needed.


Get rid of the extension warning.

  3 RUN mkdir -p /opt/extensions

Install GO for the build process.

  4 RUN yum -y install go

You could also build locally and copy the binary. Using Docker makes it more predictable and repeatable on different machines.

Control how GO downloads sources.

  5 RUN go env -w GOPROXY=direct

Only copy (add) the GO package files and download (get) all GO modules.

  6 ADD go.mod go.sum ./
  7 RUN go mod download

This copies “everything”, which now is only main.go for the build. The task root is the directory where Lambda runs code.


Build binary with linux as target system and amd64 as the architecture - because that is what Lambda runs on.

  9 RUN env GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o=/main

The GO installation is quite large. To keep the image small we do a fresh start

 10 # copy artifacts to a clean image
 11 FROM

Then we only copy the binary, that runs without external dependencies.

 12 COPY --from=build /main /main

This tells lambda, which programm to start in invokation

 13 ENTRYPOINT [ "/main" ]

Go to the next chapter to see Container deployment with arm architecture

See also

See the full source on github.
